2010 Letters

Look to history

Monday 13th December 2010
Telegraph & Argus
SIR – Not often am I embarrassed to be English, save our national football team’s consistently poor performances on the pitch and the way our government treats our brave servicemen.

One such moment was recently when it was announced that our military was effectively going to be merged with the French’s. David Cameron’s glee made the announcement even more sickening.

His lack of knowledge of British history is well known, but did somebody not remind him about the Falklands?

What would happen were we to engage in another ‘Falklands’ and were not able to as the French ‘didn’t fancy it’?

Cameron is spinning this as another cost-cutting exercise, but many of the politically astute will know this is just a precursor to the EU army – where all national armies will be merged and be directed by the EU government.

This is another story that the Tories will not tell.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury


Why give prisoners this right?

Published Date: 19 November 2010
Halifax Courier

Another criminal decision by what could be described as a criminal organisation, I am of course referring to the government's decision to allow prisoners to right to vote!

Poor old David Cameron, he didn't want to do it, honest – but the bad EU boys told him to!

Is it not bad enough that Mr. Cameron is totally incompetent and out of touch with the man in the street, now we must add weak and feeble to his large collection of undesirable traits?

While I do find the thought of Conservative politicians knocking on prison cell doors canvassing criminals for votes rather amusing the serious point is that anyone who is imprisoned should lose their rights including their rights to vote.

It is worth noting that all the old parties support prisoners rights to vote, but of course many of our MPs should be in prison for expense fraud shouldn't they?

Jason Smith
UKIP Calderdale Chairman

Jobs cut as foreign aid rises

Published Date: 17 November 2010
Halifax Courier

Why are we cutting services and hundreds of thousands of jobs in our country while giving money to the EU to squander and increasing our foreign aid by 37%?

How many or your readers would hand their wages to their neighbors while their own families were starving - as that is effectively what our corrupt government is doing.

One very important statistic which seems to have been conveniently pushed under the carpet to protect the blushes of the government is that over 5 years the coalition proposes to implement £80 billion of cuts in the UK while our EU contribution over 5 years is.

Yes you've guessed it, £80 billion! So while our country suffers from the death of 1,000 cuts we are pumping ever more money in to a corrupt unelected organisation, which nobody ever voted to join! It is clear there is only one cut that needs to be made.

Jason Smith
UKIP Calderdale Chairman


Opportunity wasted
SIR – For as long as I can remember, the Liberals and latterly the Liberal Democrats have wanted to be in a position to see the implementation of proportional representation.
Lo and behold – the opportunity arises and it turns out that they are prepared to settle for an AV system which is simply a refined first-past-the-post system.
For the benefit of those who had not grasped this con, PR means that each party must get an allocation of seats directly according to votes cast and the only complication is in sorting out how local people get local choices of their individual politicians.
That the Tories want to keep the failed two-party system is hardly surprising, but the Lib Dems have let the democratic process down very badly indeed with their power-seeking sell-out.
The government coalition is aptly named CON-DEM!
Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford

SIR – I agree with Councillor John Hall on the Lib-Dems’ policy of exempting low-earners (less than £10,000 pa) from tax (Letters, March 3), although it is prudent to mention that their policy was lifted from our manifesto, but well done for adopting it anyway. Mr Hall then veers off at a tangent when he tries to paint the Lib-Dems as a fair party; of course, I used to think that too before I began to understand politics. The Lib-Dems have stripped power from the people of Britain and handed it to unelected officials in Brussels and unelected regional quangos. That doesn’t seem fair from a party that used to believe in devolved power.
The Lib-Dems were one of the architects of the EU Arrest Warrant, possibly the most unfair piece of legislation ever, which is responsible for many British citizens being imprisoned in EU prisons without evidence or trial. Let’s not also forget the Lib-Dems’ failure to support a referendum on the EU which they promised. Not very fair really are they? Not very liberal, not very democratic.
Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford

SIR – The Government and the other (EU) coalition parties haven’t even sorted out their expenses scandal yet and we have another scandal brewing!
This time we have party donors giving money to them but not bothering to pay tax.
Harriet Harman claims it’s not a big deal really as no law was broken, just as no law was broken when MPs were claiming for 50in flat-screen TVs, non-existent mortgages and flipping their homes for profit. Will they ever learn? The Tories have finally realised that Lord Ashcroft is not paying tax, even though I have heard William Hague being questioned on this exact subject for months on various political programmes.
Mr Hague’s only answer was that he trusted Mr Ashcroft and that his tax status is his own business, I disagree, and as Mr Ashcroft is the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, I think this makes that everybody’s business.
Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford

SIR – Bob Watson is absolutely right (Letters, February 22) when he asks why quangos should be allowed to dictate spending priorities for our district.
The obvious answer is that they shouldn’t. Not only are they unelected bodies, but the majority of the decision-makers in these quangos do not even live in the district.
I want to see all these quangos dissolved and their powers transferred to our elected officials.
It is true the majority of our councillors are pretty incompetent, but the key thing is that they can be removed by us at election time if their plans turn to rubble or big black holes! We were the only party calling for the abolition of the Yorkshire Regional Assembly and we will continue to call for it, along with the dismantling of all the other unelected and unaccountable regional quangos.
Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford

SIR – The Prime Minister has declared he wants to hold a referendum next year on whether MPs should be elected through an ‘alternative vote’ system, whereby candidates would be ranked by voters.
Call me cynical, but I remember when I stood for election in 2005, Labour guaranteed that if elected they would offer the people a referendum on the EU.
This did not happen as all parties have proved since, through their refusal to stand by their pledge of a referendum, that they do not like referenda as they are afraid of the will of the people. We need a new voting system; we need to look to a system of proportional representation – the policy that the Lib-Dems used to support until they became assimilated into the undemocratic EU.
The only way we can engage people in politics is to ensure that their vote and every vote counts. We saw what happens with PR in the Euro elections where a grass roots party received more votes than the Government! The call for an alternate voting system is clearly a ‘PR’ stunt by the Government.
Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford

SIR – Following on from the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty at the end of 2009, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office will now be established and the European Public Prosecutor appointed.
It will have a cumulative catastrophic effect on our future lives in that it will result in the enforcement of Corpus Juris in the United Kingdom.
The enforcement of Corpus Juris will entail the complete overhaul of our criminal law resulting in the abandonment of habeas corpus, of the presumption of innocence and of trial by jury – those safeguards of individual freedoms that have been customary for us for centuries but are not followed in continental countries where the Napoleonic inquisitorial system is the general rule. Thanks to the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty, our Parliament is powerless to prevent the introduction of Corpus Juris, but our Government can exercise either a veto or an opt-out.
All your readers who appreciate the dangers to our freedoms of the introduction of Corpus Juris should get in touch with their MP as soon as possible, making their views plain and asking him/her to sign the Early Day Motion 637 against this.
Jason Smith, UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Bradford West, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford

I have heard many political commentators condemn UKIP's policy of "Banning the Burka" but I have not seen these same condemnations mirrored by the general public; on the contrary the feedback I have had from all communities in Bradford has been very positive.
Not only are the security risks of Burkas obvious but the fact that they contribute to creating divisions in our city should, on its own, be a good reason to ban them.
If you cannot gauge a person's expression then it is almost impossible to engage them in any kind of meaningful conversation.
Even though we are the only political party calling for a full ban in public areas I suspect it will only be a matter of time before the old parties are forced to take up this policy as they see their support and votes slip away.
Politicians love to take about 'change', but there is really only one party who has the passion and courage to deliver!
Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Calderdale Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury
Halifax Courier, 09/02/10

David Cameron is sinking the depths

I really cannot believe the depths to which David Cameron can sink.
He has claimed a conservative government will give us "full Parliamentary control" over the "self amending and ratchet portions" of the Lisbon Treaty. Under acquis communitaire, what he is promising is impossible!
Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Calderdale Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury
Halifax Courier, 04/02/10

SIR – For many years, the European Union operated without double entry book-keeping, no fixed asset register and ‘advances of funds to third parties’ treated as expenditure which by any other name is ‘fraud’.
As far as I can work out, this has not been rectified in the last year or two. Just what does it take for Europhiles to recognise that their ‘baby’ is not a sweet child but a ravening goblin?
Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford